Confrontations between church and state

1.       Lay investiture: secular appointments of church positions, usually by the emperor/king/nobles.

a.       Henry IV (r.1056-1106), Holy Roman Emperor, fought with Pope Gregory VII (r.1073-1085), over Henry’s investment in the Archbishop of Milan.

b.      1076, Gregory declared a crusade against Henry.

c.       1122 Concordate of Worms.

2.       Taxation of clergy by lay members.

a.       Philip IV (r. 1285-1304) and Pope Boniface VIII (r.1294-1303)

b.      Election of Clement V as pope, and the pope’s stay in Avignon.

3.       The Avignon Exile (1304-74)

a.       From pope Clement V to Pope Gregory XI

4.       The Great Schism (1378-1417)

5.       The weakening of the Catholic church and a reaffirmation of the separation of state and church.